Now because we understand that criminals are always on the lookout for potential opportunities, we dedicate our services on the following:


First Aid, Fire Fighting, Firearms, Tactics, Self Defence, Radio Communications, Public Relation and our Security Officers are experienced enough to hand crisis situation no matter their magnitude. Our guard services are available 24/7 for all types of businesses. We provide services for companies ranging from property management first to construction site just to add from the above mentioned items.

Why Rufas Protection Business Service? Our Guards Are Carefully Chosen and Intensively Prepared. At Rufas-PBS Security Services, all of our security guards are carefully chosen based on their level of professionalism, mannerisms, aptitude and skill. They also undergo a complete and thorough background check.

We take pride in our work and clients. Our Security Officers are trained in the following spaces, to mention but a few:

  • First Aid

We offer a pragmatic approach that deals realistically with health, safety and environmental issues, tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients.

  • Self defence

It’s highly important to be highly aware of your surroundings so you can better protect yourself and loved ones and we teach such skills to our clients.

  • Fire Fighting

First line of defence is to familiarize yourself with your building and formulate an exit strategy in order to mitigate potential deadly situations. 

  • Public Relation

Listening carefully to client concerns and objectives to create customized security guard packages. We bring deep security expertise as well as knowledge of legal regulations and liability to the table.